In this article, you can discover:
- Why it is important to report a car accident to the police.
- What information you need to gather after a car accident.
- How an experienced personal injury lawyer can help navigate the process of filing a claim.
Filing an auto accident injury claim in Arkansas can be a complex process, but having the right information and resources can help you navigate it more effectively. If you’ve been in a car accident in Arkansas, it’s important to understand the steps you need to take in order to file a successful claim.
First and foremost, it’s important to always call the police after a car accident. This provides independent documentation of the accident and helps ensure that the facts are accurately recorded. In addition, it’s important to gather information from the other driver, such as their name, address, phone number, insurance information, and license plate number. You may also want to take photos of the driver’s license, insurance card, and the damage to their vehicle, as well as a photo of the other driver if possible.
Do You Need A Police Report To File A Personal Injury Claim After A Car Accident?
The investigating officer will usually determine who is at fault in an Arkansas car accident. However, both your own insurance company and the other driver’s insurance company may also conduct investigations and may not always agree on fault. Because of this, it’s important to have the police report on your side, as officers are typically given great deference in front of a jury.
You can obtain a copy of the police report from your Arkansas accident by contacting the investigating police department, which typically makes reports available within five to 10 business days. If you hire a personal injury law firm, they may be able to obtain the report more quickly.
Can You File A Car Accident Injury Claim If You Were Not Wearing A Seatbelt At The Time Of The Crash?
Not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident will not bar you from filing a personal injury claim, but the other driver’s insurance company may try to use it to devalue your claim. An experienced personal injury law firm can help protect your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.
How Do You Pay For Medical Bills While Your Personal Injury Claim Is Pending?
If you’re waiting for your car accident settlement, you may need to pay for your medical bills using your personal health insurance. This can help you take advantage of network pricing and reductions, and it may also help you keep more money in your pocket by reducing your overall bills.
Should You Accept The First Settlement Offer An Insurance Company Makes After A Car Accident?
If the insurance company offers you a settlement, it’s important not to accept it without first speaking to an experienced personal injury lawyer. An early settlement may shortchange you and cut off valuable parts of your claim, so it’s important to fully understand the extent of your injuries and the compensation to which you’re entitled before accepting any offer.
For more information on Filing An Auto-Accident Injury Claim In AR, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (479) 337-7077 today.

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