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Arkansas Personal Injury Lawyers

Arkansas Personal Injury Lawyers

What Steps Should I Take If I Have Been Injured In An Auto Accident In Arkansas?

When you get in a car accident in Arkansas, two claims are available to you. One is for property damage, and the other for injury. Generally, you’ll get a settlement for the property damage first. The vehicle is straightforward to value, and the amount is usually determined quickly. So, that part comes first, and then you’ve got the injury claim. Before recovering compensation for the injury, you must first finish treatment. The critical matter regarding your injury claim is seeking treatment first. The other critical factor is ensuring everything is documented. Read More

How Will It Impact My Personal Injury Claim If I Was Partially At Fault For The Wreck In Arkansas?

Arkansas is a comparative fault state, but just because you may be partially at fault for the accident doesn’t mean that you are completely barred from recovery. We may still be able to get you an offer and ensure it is fair, even if there is comparative fault, and then work with your medical providers to get a reduction so that we can help you walk away with a favorable settlement. However, if you are 50% or more at fault, you can’t make a claim. If you are 49% at fault and the other person is 51%, you can still make a claim, and you may get some form of recovery. Read More

How Long After An Accident Do I Have To File A Personal Injury Claim In Arkansas?

In Arkansas, you have three years from the date of the accident to file a claim. An exception to that is if you are a minor. If you are under 18, you have two claims within your personal injury claim; one for your bills, and then after you turn 18, you have an additional three years to recover damages for any pain and suffering. In an uninsured claim, you have five years to settle with or sue your insurance company because it comes to contractual issues. Read More

How Is The Cost Of Future Medical Care Determined In An Auto Accident Claim In Arkansas?

Many times after being released from medical care, you are in a state of Maximum Medical Improvement in which you may not be back to your previous level of health, but you are at a plateau. After release, they will estimate what further treatment will be needed over the course of the coming years, which also comes with an estimated cost. A doctor is able to testify about that because of their medical experience, skills, training, and education. Read More

How Do You Determine Whether Or Not A Client Should Accept A Settlement?

If they plateaued, you should not continue treatment with no results because eventually, the statute of limitations will expire before you can collect your compensation. At that point, it’s time to get evidence showing the level of future care you will need so that we can include it in your settlement. This can also include lost wages and other considerations. At a certain point, if you are as good as you are going to get in your recovery and healing, then it’s time to start getting the evidence together and send a demand to see if we can get your case settled and, if not, file a lawsuit to protect the statute of limitations and your right to recover money from the insurance company. Read More

Who Is Responsible For My Property Damage After An Auto Wreck In Arkansas?

The negligent party responsible for your car accident is responsible for your property damage, but sometimes the investigations strike out. One of the benefits of having collision coverage is you don’t have to wait. You can go ahead and get your car repaired and get the value of the total loss. Then you can continue with your life, and your insurance company will go out to the negligent party to get reimbursed for what they paid you along with your deductible. Many people are afraid to use their insurance coverage, either for property damage or Med-Pay, in their injury claims because they are worried that their rates will go up. This wreck wasn’t their fault, and they shouldn’t have to use their insurance. Read More

How Does Med Pay Work In Arkansas?

In Arkansas, all policies come with Med Pay which stands for Medical Payments Coverage, unless you reject it in writing. The easiest way to describe Med Pay is that it’s like a mini-health insurance policy attached to your car insurance. Usually, it is $5,000 of coverage that you can use whether somebody hits you and they are at fault or if you cause an accident and you are at fault. It can be for your hospital bill, chiropractor, physical therapy appointments, or anything you need to help with your injury claim. That’s $5000 that you get to use regardless of fault. Read More

More Information

For more information on Personal Injury Case In Arkansas, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (479) 337-7077 today.

Mullins & Blake Attorneys

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