In this article, you will discover:
- How additional fees may pop up and are handled throughout your case
- The benefits of hiring a personal injury attorney to handle your case
Our contract states what costs we can incur while building your claim in our office to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company. But if your case must move into litigation and go to court, we bring you in to discuss the additional costs. We sit down and discuss the attorney fee percentage changing, about all the associated costs of going to court, and then discuss it in detail. We discuss the benefits and the risks of taking on the extra costs associated with coming out of your claim at the end of the day and what you want to do. Our most significant focus in this part of your case is we don’t want you to have any surprise expenses or surprise deductions from your ultimate settlement. So, we want to make sure that we explain everything and that the client agrees before we incur any charge in litigation that would affect your case.
Why You May Have Heard Stories Of People Getting Next To Nothing From Their Case While Their Attorney Leaves With A Significant Profit?
At our firm, you have the ultimate authority to settle your case. So you tell us when to resolve it or when you want to file a lawsuit. Sometimes there are situations where the medical bills are costly, and the person at-fault doesn’t have enough insurance coverage. It may be a situation where at the end of the day, all we’re dealing with is the state minimum insurance. But, still, you’ve got an outrageous ambulance bill, hospital bill, CT scans, x-rays, and surgeries, so if you don’t have any additional health insurance or anything like that, we promise to work on getting substantial reductions to make sure everybody gets paid and you aren’t left holding any bills. In situations like that, I would say that there’s simply not enough insurance to cover the extent of the medical bills incurred because of how serious the injury was. We can use the facts of your case to help resolve your bills when there may not be enough coverage.
Additionally, the most critical part of any personal injury claim is making sure that you get money to pay your bills and get better. And so, we have a policy that we will never accept a settlement on a case that leaves one of our clients owing money on their medical bills. We don’t want you walking away with bills after your case, and we want to make sure that at the very minimum, everything gets paid so that you’re not left owing bills and coming out of the personal injury accident worse off than you were before. This is our promise.
What Your Personal Injury Lawyer Can Do That You Can’t Do For Yourself?
One of the most important things is to protect you from statements against the interest. Often, the adjuster for the other person’s insurance will call you at the beginning of a claim, and they’ll want to take your statement. You’ll think that they’re friendly and that they are doing their job, but at the end of the recorded statement, they’ve gotten you to admit maybe that you were driving too fast or that you looked away for a second. They’ll get you to say things to devalue your claim. And so we have a policy of not letting the other person’s insurance talk to our clients. That protects our clients from being tricked into saying something that might hurt their claim and result in a lower settlement to their case. We also get your medical records and bills and send those to the insurance to develop your claim and try to get your case settled, and we won’t let them just get our medical release from our clients and start requesting medical bills and records from any place they’ve ever been. They may get a medical release and request your primary care doctor records from ten years to go to try to find out if you’d had a fall or an accident of some kind to try to relate your current injuries to something in the past. We get the relevant records and send those directly to the insurance so that they don’t even get a chance to go on a fishing expedition.
We also help settle up with any first-party health insurance carrier. If you have Medicare or Medicaid, they have super liens on your settlement. So, we start from the beginning of the process by putting them on notice and figuring out precisely the final compensation owed to them from the settlement. We can also negotiate and get reductions on pretty high emergency room bills. Often, we’ll have a client come to us that’s maybe got a $10,000 in hospital bill, and they don’t have health insurance. In that case, if they did have health insurance, perhaps they would have only had to pay $1,000 after their health insurance paid and so we can negotiate their big hospital bills to get them down lower and get more money in our client’s pockets at the end of their claim. And then, at the end of the day, a lawyer has the power to sue. That’s the one thing that we can use that you can’t use on your own to keep insurance companies honest. It’s that they know if they don’t treat our clients fairly and don’t evaluate their claims reasonably, then we can file a lawsuit, take them to court, and let them answer in front of a jury.
For more information on Personal Injury in Arkansas, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you seek by calling (479) 337-7077 today.
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