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Defining Pain & Suffering

Defining Pain & Suffering Lawyer, ArkansasThe pain you’re experiencing while you’re recovering isn’t something that you deserve, and more importantly, it isn’t something that you should have to go through for free. If somebody hurts you, you have a right to be compensated for that damage. While an insurance company can’t compensate you by taking the pain away, they can be ordered to pay you for it. That is our job at Mullins & Blake Attorneys. We are here to help you properly document your pain and suffering and quantify it into a number that you can be compensated for.

For example, doctors often ask people, “How are you sleeping at night?” People who are suffering from pain often have a dismal answer. If you’ve been injured in an accident, how would you respond to that question? For most of our clients, we hear answers that sound like this: “I’m not sleeping. I can’t because the pain is too great. I can’t lie down. I can’t sit down. I cannot walk for more than 30 steps. I can’t do stairs. I can’t do ladders. I can’t play with my kids.” The list goes on…

Your pain and suffering can prevent you from doing all or most of the things you used to do before getting hurt. It can keep you from enjoying life because you can’t garden, you can’t pick up your children, and you can’t sit at your computer desk for more than a few hours without aching. If this sounds like you, the insurance company owes you compensation because your life has been diminished in some way, and you are no longer whole.

Deserving Compensation For Your Pain & Suffering

We want our clients and potential clients to understand that pain and suffering is a part of their injury claims. It’s not something to feel guilty about. You do not have to settle for only their medical bills. Compensation for pain and suffering is something you deserve – and something you should pursue with the help of an experienced and competent attorney.

We can help you maximize the amount you can recover for this part of your claim by gathering as much documentation as we can – or even taking your case to a jury trial. The more proof we can get to substantiate your injuries, treatment, and pain and suffering, the more favorable outcome you will have.

Pain & Suffering Compensation Is Part Of The Personal Injury Claim

For most people, submitting a personal injury claim is foreign. Pain and suffering are also what most people believe they must bear, maybe because they don’t believe that compensation is a real part of a personal injury claim. As a result, most people say they only want compensation for their medical bills even though the law provides for more than that.

Not only are you entitled to payment for your medical bills and lost wages, but you are also entitled to compensation for pain and suffering caused by headaches, muscle spasms, and other pains that you did not experience before the accident.

We at Mullins & Blake Attorneys can help you understand what you are entitled to and determine the value of your pain and suffering. We can also help answer the questions most injured clients have, especially about how to prove your pain and suffering, what documents you need, and how much pain and suffering is worth.

Non-Economic Damage Impacts Your Enjoyment Of Life

Economic damages are easy to calculate. You’ve got medical bills, prescription receipts, lost wage claims from your human resource department, receipts for out-of-pocket costs, and more.

However, even though your non-economic damage is something that you won’t have a receipt for, it is something that still impacts your ability to enjoy your daily life. It impacts your ability to get to your job and perform it. It impacts your ability to take care of your house, play with your children, and meet with your congregation. It impacts your daily living and your enjoyment of life.

A settlement or a jury verdict in an injury case is supposed to compensate you for what you lost as well as for what you can’t get back. This compensation dives into the non-economic parts of the claim as far as pain and suffering, scarring, and emotional distress. While inadequate, a settlement or a jury verdict should help to make up for what you lost.

Emotional Pain & Suffering Are Compensable

When you think about pain and suffering, most people think about injured body parts, but you have to remember – emotional pain is listed under the category of pain and suffering. Feeling guilty about surviving the accident, feeling rejected, feeling you are a failure, feeling grief, feeling all alone, and brooding over these feelings are all different kinds of emotional pain, which are compensable.

Our team is here to make sure that you know that you should really be made whole for every aspect of pain that you have suffered after an accident – and we are ready to do the work needed to get you there.

With the guidance of a skilled attorney for Personal Injury Law Cases, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that we’ll make it look easy. For more information on Personal Injury Law in Arkansas, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (497) 337-7077 today.

Mullins & Blake Attorneys

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