Here is a summary of what is covered in this guide:
See a doctor as soon as possible. The quicker you can get in to see a medical professional about your injuries, the quicker you can be on the road to recovery and start building valuable evidence to present to the auto insurance company to help get the fair value of your claim when it comes time to settle.
The most important thing about a car accident is that you get the treatment you immediately need for the injuries you have suffered.
If you delayed seeing a doctor for whatever reason, it doesn’t mean you can’t file a claim as long as you’re within the Statute of Limitations.
Sometimes, injuries aren’t severe enough to require a visit to the emergency room. Instead, you can make an appointment with your primary care physician. If that’s the soonest you can get to a doctor you trust to get evaluated and develop a treatment plan for your injuries, then that’s absolutely fine.
Also, in many cases, your adrenaline surges after a collision, which tends to mask initial injuries. After a few days, the pain sets in, and it’s perfectly acceptable to start treatment at that point.
Although a delay in seeking treatment can be justified, there is a chance that taking too long to see a doctor could hurt your claim.
The sooner you can get to a doctor for an evaluation of your concerns, pains, and injuries from the motor vehicle accident, the sooner your injuries can be documented. If there are any types of delays between the car accident and your first initial doctor’s visit, then the insurance company can use that to say that something else might’ve occurred that caused you pain, discomfort, or injury.
As your attorneys, we believe you when you say that you’re injured, and it’s our job to convince the insurance company to believe you as well. This is why it is crucial to hire an experienced injury attorney to help you navigate those arguments that an insurance company may try to make.
Most people involved in a car accident don’t come out of it thinking about the claim. So, typically, your case won’t be textbook. You may make mistakes such as not getting treatment immediately, and in some instances, you may not even have the money to see the doctor immediately after the accident.
While you might be concerned about what this will do to your claim, the bigger question is whether you eventually see a doctor who stands by your injuries and that they are directly related to the car accident.
That gives us ammunition to take to the adjuster and ultimately to a jury saying that these were reasonable delays that an average person would experience after a car accident. Still, the injuries are real and documented, and they were treated as soon as possible.
We understand that life happens, and it’s our job to humanize you to the insurance company and explain anything that they’ve tried to use against you.
Many attorneys face the issue of not seeking immediate treatment, and their solutions vary depending on the situation in their case.
One thing we can do is call your provider and ask for information that will explain your delayed injuries and treatment plan for the car accident. If they can, the attorney can file a lawsuit, go to court, and present your case to a jury.
Everyone deserves at least one visit to a doctor to be checked out, even if they think that they don’t have anything wrong. Just because there are no broken bones, no loss of consciousness, no cuts or bleeding doesn’t mean you’re not hurt.
You should always be seen by a medical professional after a vehicle accident, even if you don’t think there’s anything seriously wrong with you.
It’s human nature to try to be tough and let pain and discomfort subside and work itself out. But at the same time, when you are involved in a traumatic experience (such as a vehicle accident), you owe it to yourself and your family to get examined to make sure there’s no damage that could impact your future and physical abilities.
For more information on What Happens If You Delay Seeking Medical Treatment After A Car Accident In Arkansas, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (479) 337-7077 today.