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What Steps Should I Take If I Have Been Injured In An Auto Accident In Arkansas?

When you get in a car accident in Arkansas, two claims are available to you. One is for property damage, and the other for injury. Generally, you’ll get a settlement for the property damage first. The vehicle is straightforward to value, and the amount is usually determined quickly. So, that part comes first, and then you’ve got the injury claim. Before recovering compensation for the injury, you must first finish treatment. The critical matter regarding your injury claim is seeking treatment first. The other critical factor is ensuring everything is documented.

I always tell my clients that if they are hurt, they should seek treatment immediately. Trying to tough it out will not help their potential case in any way and can do quite the opposite. They immediately need to call the police and file a report. We need immediate documentation from somebody other than the parties involved in how the accident occurred, along with any witnesses. From the beginning, we are trying to build a successful claim. Secondly, they need to seek immediate treatment. They’ve got to be able to document their injuries, their restrictions, and their treatment plans.

Many people are in shock after an accident and don’t realize that they could be injured. This leads to a conversation with the claims company and sharing information that you may not have intended. It’s challenging to rescind or fix a given recorded statement that paints the situation in a negative light. Our only option is to sue, which isn’t always the best case. If we could have gotten involved earlier, or if they didn’t give a recorded statement on the front end, we could have stopped some of that damage.

After they call the police and file a report, I would recommend that they seek immediate treatment and discuss their case with an experienced personal injury attorney before they even think about contacting the insurance company. From the very beginning, they seek to devalue the claim in any way possible.

How Important Is It To Seek Prompt Medical Attention Following An Auto Wreck In Arkansas?

It’s imperative to seek attention promptly because many insurance adjusters will use the argument that you waited weeks to start treatment, you couldn’t have been hurt. That gap always gives the insurance company something to try to argue that you weren’t hurt as severely as you are claiming you are hurt. Not only does it help get rid of that defense from the insurance company, but it also builds evidence. Every time you go to the doctor, you are telling the doctor, you are telling that healthcare provider what hurts, and they are making a record that we use to either settle your case with the insurance company or present to a jury.

What Information Is Critical To Share With My Personal Injury Attorney To Get The Best Possible Result In My Case?

It is crucial to share everything with your personal injury attorney. Many are embarrassed to talk about prior injury, a prior medical condition, or maybe an arrest. While many things never get brought up in most cases, if your case can’t settle and we go to trial for you, then a lot of that stuff does come up. Just because you’ve had a prior injury before doesn’t mean your claim is not valuable because that prior injury may have been aggravated. Even if you don’t think that it is relevant, your attorney is on your team, and your attorney is the person who stands in front of you and anybody who wants to devalue your claim. Our job is to take all the information, good or bad, present it in the best light to build your claim, and win you money for your injuries.

For more information on Auto Accident Injury Claims In Arkansas, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (479) 337-7077 today.

Mullins & Blake Attorneys

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