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The Top 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Preparing For Your Personal Injury Lawsuit in Springdale, Arkansas

  • By: Bradley Mullins, Esq.
Judge hearing personal injury case in court with justice scale and gavel on table.

In this article, you will learn:

  • The ways that your social media presence can impact the validity of your personal injury claims.
  • How keeping a strong two-way communication with your attorney can greatly improve your chances of success.
  • How to prepare for discovery and cross-examination to be sure you are able to confidently present your case in court.

Mistake #1: Posting On Social Media

The content you publish on social media can negatively impact your personal injury lawsuit in several ways. For instance, if you claim to have a serious injury that impairs your function but you are seen regularly water skiing on your Instagram feed, the credibility of your case will, of course, be in question.

For this reason, it would benefit you to be mindful about what you share on social media. Moreover, any statement you provide regarding your accident can be used against you. If your account of events on social media is not worded carefully and correctly, it could cause your attorney to have trouble pursuing your claims in court.

Remember: everything you post on social media is public, regardless of your privacy settings, and in certain cases, insurance adjusters or defense attorneys may use this information to contradict the story you present during a trial or deposition.

Mistake #2: Waiting To Gather Statements From Witnesses

It is crucial to talk to witnesses in a timely fashion for a number of reasons. Failure to contact your witnesses quickly can impact your case in a number of ways, including:

  • Witnesses relocating or changing their contact information, eliminating their ability to be reached for a statement.
  • Failure to accurately recount the events of your accident in their statements.
  • Availability or life events that may disqualify your witness from being able to provide a statement.

It is important to be sure that you get reliable contact information from your witnesses and contact them for statements expediently while they are still available. Also, waiting too long to gather statements could result in a failure to accurately recount the events of your accident for the record.

The best course of action? Make sure any witnesses are aware that they are critical to your case and keep in touch to ensure they are properly remembering the details of the event.

Mistake #3: Failing To Follow Doctor’s Orders

It is wise to always follow your medical practitioner’s advice not only for a full recovery but also to promote better standing in your trial or settlement negotiations. This way, the defense will have a hard time poking holes in your claims and questioning the severity of your accident.

Clients are often encouraged not to trust their judgment over that of medical professionals. It is not uncommon to see cases where an individual discharges themselves from medical care only to return later, claiming that they are still hurt and require medical attention.

Unfortunately, it is not a very favorable look when a client is seen rejecting the prescribed healthcare plan for their injuries rather than following their doctor’s treatment plan through to completion.

Mistake #4: Going Into Cross-Examination Unprepared

Cross-examination occurs when a defense attorney or insurance adjuster interrogates the other party to challenge a testimony made in court. If some inconsistencies or holes arise when you are cross-examined, the defense may be able to instill doubt in the courts over the validity of your claims.

For this reason, failure to fully prepare for a cross-examination can starkly impact the outcome of your case and your recovery. To avoid any surprises or unforeseen lines of questioning during a trial, you want to be sure that you are well-informed and knowledgeable enough to speak to the information presented by the defense.

By taking the steps to prepare for your case by reviewing all relevant documents, you are far more likely to have a smooth trial you can navigate with confidence.

Mistake #5: Losing Touch With Your Personal Injury Lawyer

When you partner with the team at Mullins & Blake, we commit to two-way communication in our contracts to ensure you get the most out of your work with us. The primary purpose of seeking legal counsel is to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. If you’d like the best chance of success in your personal injury case in Springdale, Arkansas, it is crucial to maintain an active line of communication with your attorney.

Still Have Questions? Ready To Get Started?

If you are struggling with injuries sustained from your auto accident and need professional assistance Preparing For Your Arkansas Personal Injury Trial, an initial consultation with Mullins & Blake is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (479) 337-7077 today.